Ian farms in partnership with his family near Knutsford, Cheshire. They manage 700 commercial pedigree Holstein/Friesians on 445 hectares (1,100 acres). Replacements are homereared and cows are on a composite system. Ian is a representative for Sainsbury’s Dairy Development Group and sits on the AHDB Genetics Advisory Forum
Now is the time to make key decisions around grazing and silage management in order to mitigate the adverse effects of a late turnout and delayed nutrient applications
With rising fertiliser costs looking set to remain, a dairy farmer from West Wales has successfully halved his nitrogen use
Satellite images help growers maximise variable rate nitrogen and seed services
The Agricultural Industries Confederation has urged farmers to be vigilant against the risks of fertiliser theft by providing the following safety tips
Fertiliser prices spiralled ahead of and following the invasion, hitting unprecedented highs in summer 2022
With consistent amounts of heavy rainfall plaguing autumn drilled cereals, we spoke with three ProCam agronomists to understand the developments through the different regions
Trial results show early application is highly efficient while avoiding environmental soil losses
Livestock farmers wanting to improve their grassland in line with the latest SFI requirements need to optimise nitrogen use with advisers pointing to the growing role of sulphur in the equation
Different rates of slurry and artificial fertiliser have been trialled by Ayrshire dairy farmer, John Kerr, to see how yields can be optimised and costs reduced