Taking the guesswork out of herd management

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Taking the guesswork out of herd management

The SenseHub® monitoring system from MSD Animal Health collects data from millions of dairy animals worldwide and interprets this information to allow farmers to make decisions which improve the productivity and well-being of their herd.

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MSD Animal Health

Welcome to a new monthly column from MSD Animal Health UK, in which we will be explaining how the latest generation of herd monitoring systems can improve the productivity and well-being of high-performing dairy cows.

In the coming months we will look at how our SenseHub technology can improve heat detection and artificial insemination success rates in maiden heifers and hard-working dairy cows.

We will also discuss how the system's rumination monitoring function allows you to spot the early signs of potential health issues so animals can be evaluated and, if necessary, treated. The SenseHub system does all of this through the use of neck collars and/or eartags, which collect data around the clock.

This data is analysed by the SenseHub app, which uses algorithms to highlight when cows are in heat or when they are under stress and intervention might be required.

This information is presented as simple charts, heat detection alerts and health alarms which enable herd managers to make quick and accurate decisions to increase their herd's productivity and well-being.

In effect, SenseHub has three main functions which take the guesswork out of herd management:

  1. Class-leading heat detection.
  2.  24/7 rumination monitoring which detects potential signs of ill health before clinical symptoms have developed.
  3.  The ability to assess animals on a group basis enabling herd managers to fine-tune their management protocols to ensure all animals remain healthy and productive.

Find out more about the SenseHub system

More on MSD SenseHub

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