In addition to monitoring the subtle behavioural and activity patterns associated with the various stages of the fertility cycle and health parameters of dairy cows, heifers and calves, the electronic neck collars and eartags used by SenseHub Dairy can also act as ID tags for compatible milking parlours and automatic shedding gates.
By providing class-leading levels of heat detection accuracy and clear guidance on when individual cows and heifers should be inseminated, the SenseHub® Dairy herd monitoring system from MSD Animal Health enables herd managers to optimise their herd’s fertility performance.
With the innovative SenseHub® Dairy Youngstock system, farmers are now able to monitor and improve calf welfare from birth to 12 months, ensuring a thriving future for their farms.
Apart from the sale of youngstock and any additional farm diversification projects, most income on any dairy unit is earned through milk yield and milk quality.
Understanding how each individual cow, heifer or calf is faring in terms of their general wellbeing, reproductive status and milk quality is critical to ensuring the dairy herd is performing to its maximum potential.
SenseHub® GO is a simple and cost-effective subscription model which future-proofs any dairy farm’s investment in herd monitoring.
With profits under constant pressure, dairy farmers are continuously on the lookout for new technologies and ways of working which will reduce labour requirements, improve productivity and offset the effects of rising costs.
Herd monitoring systems such as SenseHub® from MSD Animal Health provide powerful insights into the health and reproduction performance of dairy.
Monitoring the reproduction and health indexes of individual dairy cows and heifers can tell the herd manager a lot about how each animal is being managed, but monitoring animals on a group-by-group basis can unlock a wealth of additional information which can be used to improve the overall herd’s performance.
Heat stress is not necessarily the first thing which springs to mind when considering how a typical British summer might impact milk production, but research shows that even the UK’s relatively ambient climate can stifle the performance of dairy cattle.