Herd monitoring systems such as SenseHub® from MSD Animal Health provide powerful insights into the health and reproduction performance of dairy.
But unless the data collected by these systems is used correctly, it can be of limited value, especially if it isn't shared with key allies such as the farm's veterinarian.
To address this, and to ensure farmers get the most from their investment in herd monitoring, MSD Animal Health has launched a bespoke training service which aims to give everyone involved in the management of the herd – from milking staff and herd managers to the herd's nutritionist and farm vet – a better understanding of how to interpret the data collated by SenseHub.
Three phases
The MSD Animal Health Insights service is made up of three main phases, all of which are delivered by an MSD Animal Health veterinary advisor and designed to improve herd health and reproduction planning on a herd-by-herd basis.
Stage 1:
Identify the farm's key fertility and health planning goals.
Stage 2:
Identify the key parameters that will help to address the herd's specific challenges.
Stage 3:
Agree joint action goals which will enable the herd manager and vet to optimise the herd's performance and to make ongoing, preventative improvements to the way the herd is managed.
Find out more
The MSD Animal Health Insight training service is available to new users of the SenseHub GO subscription package and SenseHub Premium plan. To find out more please call the SenseHub team on 01207 529000 or email us at [email protected] Alternatively visit