I wanted to discuss the increased attention our combine harvester seems to have been getting from the general public this season.
With the rise of the incredible Clarkson's Farm we have had more people than ever before taking an interest in what we are doing and harvesting. And to be quite honest its very refreshing seeing a lot of people take an interest in where their food comes from.
However, we certainly were not prepared for the increased publicity especially all the cameras. Now don't get me wrong, I love photography especially taking photos around the farm. I make my dad a calendar every year using my pictures as a Christmas present, it's basically a record of the entire year on the farm.
Most of you will know farming dads are the hardest people to buy for but this is something my dad can keep forever and look back on. It seems to go down well.
The thing is my dad is now used to me getting in all manner of strange positions trying to get the best picture or running across the field as the lighting is just right for that shot. I also managed to win myself a crate of Clarkson's very own lager with one of my pictures this summer in a competition.
But when my dad is attracting a crowd of enthusiasts, not just his strange daughter, by just harvesting our battered spring barley with the dual wheels on the combine, some even pulling up on the road with phones at the ready. That is very new.
I actually rang my dad up to mention the little fan fair he had going on one evening. His words were ‘I know I should have kept my long pants on, I feel naked in my shorts they can see my knee caps' which made me actually howl with laughter.
So Jeremy, if you ever read this you are responsible for a number of people having photos with my father's bare knee caps in them. Oh the horror.