Global pork production will see an 8 per cent drop in 2020, the latest Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations report has revealed.
Covid-19 has seen a spike in labour costs of up to 15 per cent leaving British growers in an ‘unsustainable’ situation, a new report has revealed.
In a new virtual challenge to encourage positive climate change action, the National Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs (NFYFC) is asking young farmers to share their solutions for achieving net zero emissions by 2040.
A farmer from North Yorkshire has been killed after he became trapped under a mower.
With the demand for overseas workers ‘absolutely crucial’ to a permanent workforce within the farming sector, farm groups have warned agricultural roles must be included within the Shortage Occupation List (SOL) to avoid
The Prince of Wales has showcased his support for Rare Breeds Survival Trust (RBST)-accredited farm parks, encouraging visitors to return when they re-open from July 4.
An environmental charity has come under fire from farmers, after it ‘recklessly’ claimed poultry farms in Wales were polluting rivers in the region.
A damning report on Wales’ Rural Development Programme (RDP) by the Wales Audit Office (WAO) has sparked concerns, after it found Welsh Government granted £68m in funding without ‘robust justification’.
Government has been called to invest in rural communities to kick-start the economy and protect the countryside.
Farmers’ Union of Wales (FUW) president Glyn Roberts has been unanimously re-elected following a virtual meeting of the union’s Welsh Council.