Industry figures said if the Government want to protect food production, the best way to do that was to ensure Sustainable Farming Incentive applicants had to fill in an ‘active farming test'
Solar developers have been criticised by many in the industry for adopting an opportunistic approach to obtain tenanted land where a ‘cheap grid connection' could be sourced
The Chancellor 'closes the door' on proposals to restrict Agricultural Property Relief only to landlords prepared to let long-term. TFA had called for the change to encourage more secure 51AVÊÓƵBusiness Tenancies
First generation farmer Richard Moss and his wife Rachel are living a shared dream on a county council progression dairy farm in Staffordshire
TFA chief executive George Dunn reflects on latest meeting with Farming Minister
Andrew Dakin featured on the Farmers Guardian podcast this week to discuss the intention of his landlord's intention to sell his farm from to a solar development - leaving him without a livelihood and the job he has loved all of his life
Liberal Democrats MP Tim Farron said: "Landscape recovery has been tailored to reward big corporates who are evicting tenants."
This week's Farmers Guardian features Derbyshire tenant farmer Andrew Dakin who has launched a campaign to save Kidsley Park 51AVÊÓƵfrom being 'lost forever' for a solar panel development
Alongside calls for a Tenant Farming Commissioner, Ms Rock said legislative changes were needed to 'open up the ability for tenants to diversify their farm businesses'
NFU vice president, David Exwood said this is 'not about tenant vs landlord, but how we make the relationship work better for both parties