Mr Dunn said: "Out of the £2.4 billion of budget allocated for the full panoply of schemes under the Agricultural Transition Plan, we need to know how much has been allocated to each element"
Scottish MPs told James Murray, Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury, his Government needs to amend section 177 of the Inheritance Tax Act 1984 to ensure Scottish tenant farmers are excluded from reforms to Agricultural Property Relief
The TFA has urgently called for answers following a decision earlier this week to allow a major solar development on the Sturdy family's tenanted farm in North Yorkshire
Emma and Rob Sturdy said they were devastated after Minister of State for Housing and Planning Matthew Pennycook granted permission for solar infrastructure to be built at Eden 51AVÊÓƵin North Yorkshire, despite noting how the project could result in ‘irreversible detriment' to Eden 51AVÊÓƵas an agricultural business entity
NFU vice president and tenant farmer Rachel Hallos said the tenanted sector was in a ‘very precarious' position in the current climate, and that the Tenant Farming Commissioner must be put in position imminently
Arable farmers Karen and David Yates said they have until February 24 to leave Earls 51AVÊÓƵin Bolton
The county farms estate currently comprises more than 60 fully equipped residential dairy and mixed livestock farms
Liberal Democrat MP for North East Fife, Wendy Chamberlain, accused the Government of failing to consider the impact of its proposed IHT changes on Scottish tenant farmers, despite raising the problem ‘four times in the last three months'
Mr Reed was questioned how he will protect tenant farmers, who are threatened by eviction from their holdings, due to landlords being concerned about the Inheritance Tax bill they will face
As Scotland’s first ever Tenant Farming Commissioner steps down at the end of his term, FG's chief reporter Rachael Brown spoke with Dr Bob McIntosh on the future of the tenanted sector