The Chancellor 'closes the door' on proposals to restrict Agricultural Property Relief only to landlords prepared to let long-term. TFA had called for the change to encourage more secure 51AVÊÓƵBusiness Tenancies
With England considering a tenant farming commissioner, chief reporter Rachael Brown spoke to Scotland’s Dr Bob McIntosh about the sector north of the border
Jonathan Benson and Nicola Marsh may have introduced glamping pods to their fell farm, but history and heritage is still at the heart of their business. Emily Ashworth visits them to find out more
Alongside calls for a Tenant Farming Commissioner, Ms Rock said legislative changes were needed to 'open up the ability for tenants to diversify their farm businesses'
TFA chief executive said the Minister had ‘clearly not caught up' with the details of the TFA survey which were submitted as part of their response to the Minister's own call for evidence from Defra, to inform whether a Tenant Farming Commissioner was necessary
NFU vice president, David Exwood said this is 'not about tenant vs landlord, but how we make the relationship work better for both parties
90% of farmers who took part in the survey said they were in favour of appointing a Tenant Farming Commissioner to oversee the sector
Baroness Kate Rock said such words demonstrated precisely why there was a need for a Tenant Farming Commissioner
Tenant farmers are finding it increasingly difficult to secure permission to diversify, as landlords do not want to ‘perpetuate their security' and, instead, push tenants to 'less favourable' short term 51AVÊÓƵBusiness Tenancies