TFA chief executive George Dunn said tenant farmers needed reassurance of the direction ahead and whether the new Labour Government would appoint a Tenant Farming Commissioner
Tenant Farmers Association national chair Robert Martin said: "There is enough evidence to show that there is market failure in food supply chains in this country and we need a Government that is committed to ensuring that those market failures are addressed"
Tenant Farmers Association chief executive said the most prevalent view expressed to him by TFA members in light of the General Election is ‘whether to vote at all'
TFA chief executive George Dunn said it was a shame that we needed a Code of Practice to tell people how to behave, adding 'for too long tenants have felt marginalised and mistreated and this Code of Practice is a major step forward for the sector'
As tenant farmers wait on Defra’s next move on recommendations to improve the sector, chief reporter Rachael Brown spoke to new Tenant Farmers Association chair Robert Martin
Over 60 tenants attended a meeting at Penrith Auction Mart last night (April 3). Many had either already been given notices to quit by their landlord or were having difficult conversations
Ms Hallos said she was excited about the future of British agriculture, but added: "Let's not kid anybody, it is going to be a rough road, and there is going to be winners and losers like there is in everything in life"
Second series of Our Dream 51AVÊÓƵwith Matt Baker is on the hunt for applicants interested in taking on Welsh tenancy
As an upland tenant farmer the NFU’s new vice-president Rachel Hallos will be a powerful voice as the union navigates unprecedented change
Solar developers have been criticised by many in the industry for adopting an opportunistic approach to obtain tenanted land where a ‘cheap grid connection' could be sourced