Profitability and resilience were key drivers for Stuart Johnson, who was named 51AVÊÓƵCarbon Toolkit’s 2023 Soil Farmer of the Year, when implementing a low-input system on the family farm in Northumberland
After reuniting in later life, friends Hollie Fallick and Francesca Cooper have forged their own farming path. Emily Ashworth finds out more.
Defra-funded research project looks to help farmers to understand soil health by listening to the noises made by earthworms
From the bright lights of London to the familiarity of Lancashire, Heather Whalley has discovered what she is truly passionate about. Emily Ashworth finds out more.
Five farmers agree that getting ‘back to the basics’ and good crop rotations are key to improving soil health and managing grass weeds
A new soil service is designed to help farmers gain understanding of their soil and take practical steps towards protecting and improvement
The final part of our grassland guide looks to break down the basics of a key regenerative grazing strategy and understand how it can be implemented within a livestock grazing system
Want to improve your soils but feel apprehensive about it? Soil Association adviser Katy Jo Stanton has some words of wisdom.
The first in a series of articles looking at the fundamentals of grassland management to help maximise farm productivity and performance.
As environmental pressures increase and input costs continue to rise, the importance of soil health and the concept of regenerating soils, is a topic of conversation more and more farmers are becoming a part of.