The grazing of ewes on red clover swards around tupping time has long been ill advised due to concern about negative impacts on fertility, but research demonstrates this should not always be the case.
Jersey breeder, Holger Hedelund Poulsen, is aiming to build a sustainable and self-sufficient business against a backdrop of a changing dairy industry. Chris McCullough reports.
The latest analysis of first and second cut grass silages by Trouw Nutrition GB confirms the initial assessment that this year’s silage quality has been significantly influenced by the growing season and forages will require particularly careful balancing.
Lupins are the only plant protein which will replicate the protein quality of soya, said industry experts on a recent AHDB webinar. Katie Fallon reports.
Evidence based and targeted mineral supplementation is essential to get a flock’s trace elements right. Katie Fallon reports.
Higher milk yields have led to a gradual increase in twin pregnancies among UK dairy herds. Andy Hayton, of Sandstone Vets Group, explains the associated risks and how twin pregnancies can be managed for better results post-calving. Katie Fallon reports.
With escalating fertiliser costs and the prospect of tight feed ingredient markets next winter, the importance of maximising feed output from your own resources will remain a priority for dairy farmers. Farmers Guardian reports.
Research has shown even pasture fed cows are short of beta carotene at some point during the breeding cycle.
Good silage will be key to making the most of good milk prices in the face of high fertiliser and feed costs.
Lallemand’s animal nutrition guide ‘Forward with Fibre’ is designed to help farmers improve their fibre utilisation in diets. Ellie Layton highlights some key points.