Since the Yield Enhancement Network (YEN) was established by ADAS 10 years ago, it has recorded multiple crop world records, droughts, floods and a fertiliser crisis. But all of these events have helped the network to gather important information on how growers can maximise crop production on their land.
In this episode of Crop it Like it's Hot, ADAS' Dr Sarah Kendall discusses key learnings from more than 5,000 crop yields that have been recorded, and how detailed crop post-mortems, benchmarking and reporting has seen some farmers exceed the yield potential of their land.
Two top yielding farmers, David Passmore, who won gold for his OSR crop, and Tim Lamyman, who broke both the wheat and barley world record last harvest, tell all about their crop management programmes and they achieved the top yields they did in 2022.
Dr Sarah Kendall, DAS crop physiologist
Tim Lamyman, Lincolnshire farmer and world record holder
David Passmore, Oxfordshire farmer and YEN winner