An outbreak was confirmed in a herd of water buffalo in the first instance of FMD in Germany since 1988
"Transparency and authenticity are key in food production"
Scottish Government said further investigations to identify the origin of the disease are ongoing
The World Organisation for Animal Health has ruled that the UK is no longer free from highly pathogenic avian influenza
14 cases of BTV-3 have been detected in premises which are now outside the current restricted zone
"Fairness in the supply chain is essential to a thriving industry"
"The control zone is there through no fault of any member within that control zone"
Nine cases of the virus have been detected outside the zone in Cheshire, Shropshire, Somerset, Cumbria, Anglesey, Gwynedd, Cornwall and North Yorkshire
"My policy goal remains to keep bluetongue out of Wales"
“I have heard first-hand the experiences of farmers battling this disease"