AHDB’s latest Planting and Variety Survey shows ‘dramatic decline’ despite a modest rise in barley and oats
Price trends for UK feed ingredients for protein meals and cakes and other feed ingredients.
UK export prices are an indicator of how competitive UK grain is on an international market and the likelihood of trade.
The UK delivered prices show the traded value of bread wheat, feed wheat, feed barley and oilseed rape as delivered to processors.
Corn Returns show the average ex-farm prices for wheat, barley and oats.
Dan Hawes grew up on an arable farm in Suffolk and now produces strawberry and raspberry plants for the UK fruit market with Blaise Plants, sister company to Hugh Lowe Farms, Kent. The business grows outside, under tunnels and in glasshouses and produces more than four million plants a year. The arable side includes environmental schemes, with a mix of wheat, oilseed rape, beans and barley crops.
With unsettled weather continuing to fuel high disease pressure, growers are being urged to ensure emerging wheat ears are fully protected through to harvest
With a challenging start to the year, Ash Ellwood chats to a crop production specialist about the potential disease season ahead and what growers can do to prepare for T3 fungicide applications
Agronomists say T3 will be essential in controlling rusts and septoria
With the growing season being described as a high septoria year, growers are being encouraged to incorporate robust fungicide programs, but to match spend with crop potential