The housing order for poultry and captive birds in England, Wales and Northern Ireland has been lifted today
A new industry report details pathways for how the UK’s poultry industry could live with bird flu and mitigate virus risk going forward.
Rising temperatures in recent years have resulted in cases of heat stress becoming more prevalent in poultry, but planning ahead can mitigate the problem. Ellie Layton reports.
With lamb performance heavily reliant on the ewe’s milk supply, ensuring ewes are in the best condition pre-and post-lambing is key to achieving high lamb growth rates.
Birdkeepers have been urged to maintain scrupulous biosecurity standards with bird flu housing measures across England and Wales to be lifted on April 18
A farm at the centre of an undercover animal cruelty video has been targeted by protesters who laid flowers in memory of its ‘victims’.
The Australian wool industry is currently spending $1.4 million (£761,000) on a breakthrough shearing method that utilises a system of biological defleecing.
Focusing on key areas helps to ensure youngstock maximise their full potential. Ellie Layton finds out more.
Ensuring heifers have a long and productive life is crucial to maintaining a profitable dairy enterprise, and achieving optimal growth rates pre-weaning can help realise this.
Getting the transition period right can help achieve better results during lactation and improve overall cow health and productivity.