Scottish MPs told James Murray, Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury, his Government needs to amend section 177 of the Inheritance Tax Act 1984 to ensure Scottish tenant farmers are excluded from reforms to Agricultural Property Relief
Mr Farron, Liberal Democrats spokesperson for rural affairs, writes for Farmers Guardian on issues including withdrawing BPS, Inheritance Tax changes, Donald Trump, food security and backing British farmers
The TFA has urgently called for answers following a decision earlier this week to allow a major solar development on the Sturdy family's tenanted farm in North Yorkshire
Efra chair Alistair Carmichael said the Defra Secretary and the Farming Minister should be the ‘voice of farmers within Government but they are clearly not being listened to' over the family farm tax
NFU vice president and tenant farmer Rachel Hallos said the tenanted sector was in a ‘very precarious' position in the current climate, and that the Tenant Farming Commissioner must be put in position imminently
NFU president Tom Bradshaw to say there is ‘so much more to do' and there is still time for this Government to 'reset its relationship with farming and rural Britain'
Rob Black said often tenants make assumptions of their landlords and vice versa. He said there was a need for more ‘genuine conversations’ encouraging landlords and tenants to ‘sit down and talk to each other’
The county farms estate currently comprises more than 60 fully equipped residential dairy and mixed livestock farms
Robert Black will succeed Dr Bob McIntosh, the Scottish Land Commission has confirmed
Steve Reed uses Oxford Farming Conference to unveil Labour's long-term vision for agriculture