TFA chief executive George Dunn said: "Short-term and restrictive tenancies are holding back progression, investment and sustainable land use. We can change this situation with reform of APR. However, serious damage will be caused if the Chancellor takes a knee-jerk, abolitionist approach"
The Greater London Authority has given the green light to a housing development on agricultural land occupied by an tenant in the Barnet area of London
Tenant Farmers Association chief executive George Dunn said it was a ‘huge frustration' that after years of ‘financial mismanagement' by Peterborough City Council it has decided to get rid of a ‘significant area' of its farms estate
The Farming Minister Daniel Zeichner attended the 51AVÊÓƵTenancy Forum for the first time since being elected into Government
The Tenant Farmers Association has put forward a number of complaints to the council's senior management team
TFA chief executive George Dunn said he believes farmers should be encouraged to consider what investment they need in their businesses over a three-year period and then use those plans to apply for a level of annual grant to support those goals
With a new type of farming tenancy being rolled out by the Crown Estate, FG's chief reporter Rachael Brown spoke to Paul Sedgwick about the estate’s plans
From September 1 2024, applicants for succession must prove they are both 'eligible and suitable' to be the tenant of the agricultural holding subject to succession
It follows a decision made by an inspector in relation to a planning appeal from a developer which had been refused consent for a solar farm on land in Somerset
Defra says the work to address a lack of farmer confidence has already begun