The Defra Secretary will launch a consultation on a new strategic approach to managing land use in England today (January 31)
Labour has a 'cast-iron commitment' to food production and highest quality land will be protected vows Steve Reed
Alistair Carmichael has called on the Government to increase funding to the agency to avoid further risk to UK farmers
In a letter to the Prime Minister, Mr Carmichael said that ‘deep concern' is fuelling low confidence and morale levels in the agricultural and wider rural community and that he would like to meet with the PM urgently to discuss ‘potential mitigations'
Supermarkets have joined forces to speak up for farmers and growers against the Government's proposed changes to Inheritance Tax
This week's opinion from throughout the world of agriculture: Oxford Real Farming Conference manager, Hester van Hensbergen
Victoria Atkins said the Chancellor's proposed changes to Inheritance Tax for farms was aimed at breaking a 'careful tax policy' which protected family farms
This week from Farmers Guardian's editor Olivia Midgley
Government remains tight lipped on promised £44m funding pot