A recent study carried out by the University of Glasgow has found that 80% of supplementary colostrum from a typical commercial flock fails bacterial count tests
Deeside Monitor Farmers Duncan and Claire Morrison trialed finishing bulls at grass last summer
Would farmers welcome the potential reintroduction of wolves in the Scottish Highlands? And how could reintroduction impact farm businesses?
NFU Scotland said current proposals for the creation of a third National Park in Galloway fail to show 'benefit' to farmers, food producers and the rural economy
Award-winning films like Harry Potter and Braveheart have featured Scotland's rich rural landscapes. What opportunities are available for landowners and farmers to reach the Hollywood limelight?
Rob Black said often tenants make assumptions of their landlords and vice versa. He said there was a need for more ‘genuine conversations’ encouraging landlords and tenants to ‘sit down and talk to each other’
Following a number of confirmed cases of avian influenza, poultry keepers are being urged to stay vigilant for signs of the disease and adhere to the latest control measures
Do farmers and crofters needs greater legislative support to deal with machinery theft incidents in Scotland?
The equivalent of 44 bottles of Scotch whisky were exported every second in 2024
Mr Shaw provides advice for Scottish farmers and landowners in preparing for future agricultural support payments beyond 2025