With the focus on landlord-tenant relationships at the NFU tenant conference, some farmers felt more needed to be done to tackle bad practice by landlords and their land agents
At the time I pitched this article, Defra announced changes to the Sustainable Farming Incentive to ensure that food production remained the primary purpose of farming – I think that farmers already know this is the purpose
This week from Farmers Guardian editor Olivia Midgley (April 18)
Farmer confidence in Wales' new Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Climate Change Huw Irranca-Davies will come down to whether her can deliver change. Chief reporter Rachael Brown sat down with him to find out how he hopes to launch the SFS in time for January 2025
New petition urges Government to save land for food production and nature protection
The chair of the review, David Fursdon said while he was 'pleased' to see the Government supporting many of the reviews' recommendations, now was the time for those responsible for the future of Dartmoor to 'come together in an open and transparent way'
The Sturdy family, who are tenant farmers from Yorkshire said their ‘heart sank' after being told an appeal had been lodged against a decision to block a solar farm being developed on half of their farm
James and Isobel, with their two young children, recently bought their first farm, and plan to run beef and sheep over 13.8 hectares (34 acres), renting a further 44.5ha (110 acres). James works for tech firm Breedr as a product manager. You can follow them on Twitter @jpbwfarm
Ms Hallos said she was excited about the future of British agriculture, but added: "Let's not kid anybody, it is going to be a rough road, and there is going to be winners and losers like there is in everything in life"
Leaders from the farming unions said there must be a closer partnership between farmers and politicians