Defra has placed a ban on cattle, pigs, sheep and deer from entering the UK from Hungary and Slovakia following a confirmed case of the disease last week
The UK Health and Security Agency said the individual had close and prolonged contact with a large number of infected birds
The Restricted Zone currently in place across affected regions along the east and south coast of England will remain as a precautionary measure
As the first case has been confirmed in Germany, Defra has issued guidance for livestock farmers
It is now a legal requirement for all birdkeepers within the Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ) to follow ‘strict biosecurity measures' to help protect their flocks, of whatever type or size
14 cases of BTV-3 have been detected in premises which are now outside the current restricted zone
"The control zone is there through no fault of any member within that control zone"
Government says stringent measures are needed to help prevent another AI outbreak
Suffolk sheep farmer Stephen Cobbald has explained the difficulty of farming in a bluetongue restricted zone
Defra also confirmed seven new cases of the virus have been reported in the 'Restriction Zone' over the weekend