"Our countryside will remain needlessly under threat"
"Transparency and authenticity are key in food production"
Defra said the Government had inherited the laboratories in 'poor condition' and warned the current state of the facilities posed a 'significant risk to Britain's farmers and human health'
"It is important to realise that rural isolation can be a very real problem for farmers, with a rise in loneliness since the pandemic"
A CLA poll of England's 100 most rural constituencies, shows '58% oppose the inheritance tax hike', with 'less than a quarter in support'
The funding will deliver a project to improve 15,000 hectares of grassland, laying new roads for herders, establishing new agricultural facilities and improving soil quality in the Central African country
It said the decision was a reflection of the 'reality' of the livestock industry right now with 'reducing stock numbers nationally' and the 'increasing financial pressures on the agricultural industry'
"Scottish farmers and crofters deserved a Budget that recognised their indispensable role in Scotland’s rural and national prosperity"
Results from the Groceries Code Adjudicator's 2024 annual survey showed an 'improvement in treatment of suppliers'
"Though Mr Pearson was offered the opportunity to avoid a criminal conviction, he chose to ignore that, leading to this hearing"