In the continental inter-breed section, Welsh judge Teresa Wilson had the difficult task of selecting the overall winners in the senior and junior age groups. In the seniors, which she said were ‘particularly difficult to judge due to the high quality throughout', she opted for the Simmental heifer, Annick Lucia's Nicosia, from Reece Simmers, Backmuir, Keith.

A Kilbride 51AVÊÓƵKarl daughter, this heifer had been bought at the Annick dispersal along with her dam, Annick Ginger's Lucia, which was breed champion at the Royal Highland this year.
See also: Beltex take the double at Agrifest
Reserve senior was the Charolais heifer Falleninch Tiziana, from Andrew Hornall's Stirling-based herd. Sired by the French import, Falleninch Memo, the heifer is out of a past winner at Stars of the Future, Falleninch Lottie, a daughter of Dereskit Fernando.

Best junior continental came from A.J.R. Farms, Ellon. That was the Charolais bull calf, Newlogie Unique, a son of the past Highland Show champion, Marry Morwr, out of Newlogie Papillon, a daughter of the French sire Noble.

Reserve junior was the British Blue heifer, Solway View Tamsin, from Kevin Watret, Annan. An AI daughter of the Irish sire Boherard Overdose, this heifer is one of the first ET calves out of Solway View Peach.

Andy Frazier judged the native inter-breeds and in the seniors, he went for a Beef Shorthorn bull, Stallashaw Senate, from Chloe Dunlop, Hillhead, Carnwath, as overall champion. The first calf off the home-bred Stallashaw President, this bull is out of Hyndford Nina, which had been bought at a Stirling sale.

Taking the reserve senior title in the natives was the Highland bull, Inness of Glenfinnan, from first time exhibitors Kirsty Neil and Andrew Polson, Carnoustie. A son of Alasdair 4 of Woodneuk, this bull is out of the privately bought Lorna of Craigluscar.

Mike and Melanie Alford's Aberdeen-Angus heifer, Fohill Diamond Mist, took the junior native title. Sired by Linton Gilbertines President and out of the 13,000gns Weston Diamond Mist, this heifer was junior female champion at the recent Agri-Expo event.

Reserve junior native was the Harvey family's Hereford heifer, Harveybros 1 Crocus Aurora, a daughter of Sky High 1 Take-a-Chance, out of Harveybros 1 Crocus Tiara. The heifer had been reserve junior female champion in the Hereford section at Agri-Expo.

Winning the Joe Watson Memorial award for the best pair of animals owned by the same exhibitor, was Andrew Hornall, with his Charolais heifers, Falleninch Tiziana and Falleninch Tenetia, both daughters of Falleninch Memo.
In the continental pairs championship, the Falleninch duo had stood ahead of another Charolais pair, the two young bulls, Elgin Tucker and Elgin Teuchter, from the Milnes at Kennieshillock, Elgin.
Top native pair were the Beef Shorthorns, Westbroad Trident and Westbroad Bramble Tina from Ayrshire's Natalie Hynd. Reserve went to another Beef Shorthorn pair, Fordie Taskmaster and Fordie Topgun, from Fiona Davidson, Peterhead.
Young handler
Overall young handler, judged by Teresa Wilson on the evening prior to the calf show, was Lily Smith of Sunnyhill, Turriff, who had earlier led the junior section, showing a six-month-old Limousin cross heifer calf named Ginger.
Best in the intermediate age group was Chloe McEwan, while Finlay Soutter won the senior section.
Inter-breed continental (Judge, T. Wilson, Gwynedd) Senior supreme, R. Simmers, Annick Lucia's Nicosia (Simmental); senior reserve, A. Hornall, Falleninch Tiziana (Charolais); junior sup., A.J.R. Farms, Newlogie Unique (Charolais); junior res., K. Watret, Solway View Tamsin (British Blue).
Inter-breed native (A. Frazier, Fife) Senior sup., C. Dunlop, Stallashaw Senate (Beef Shorthonr); senior res., K. Neil and A. Polson, Inness of Glenfinnan (Highland); junior sup., M. and M. Alford, Foxhill Diamond Mist Z253 (Aberdeen-Angus); junior res., G. and S. Harvey, Harveybros 1 Crocus Aurora (Hereford).
Aberdeen-Angus (A. Adam, Angus) Senior sup., C. Orr, Keirsbeath Powerhouse Y586; senior res., W. Ashworth, Retties Lord Lucas Y277; junior sup., M. and M. Alford, Foxhill Diamond Mist Z253; 21; junior res., J. Rettie, Hillfoots Evie Z019.
Beef Shorthorn (M. Severn, Halifax) Senior sup., C. Dunlop, Stallashaw Senate; senior res., B. Wear, Dunsyre Lily 101; junior sup., A. and S. Ryder, Ryden Tequila; junior res., F. Davidson, Fordie Taskmaster.
British Blue (C. Drysdale, Kinross) Senior sup., K. Watret, Solway View Supreme; senior res., A. and C.S. Comrie, Stonebyres Storm; junior sup., K. Watret, Solway View Tamsin; junior res., K. Blackwood and D. Davidson, Blackstane Triumph.
Charolais (W. Owen, Gwynedd) Senior sup., A. Hornall, Falleninch Tiziana; senior res., J. and S. Middleton, Hollywell T20; junior sup., A.J.R. Farms, Newlogie Unique; junior res., M.T. Hanson, Silvermere Unique.
Commercial (J. Nisbet) Senior sup., B. Duffton, Little Miss Muffit (Limousin cross); senior res., A. and S. Campbell, Legally Blonde (Charolais cross); junior sup., S. Dunlop, Barbie Girl (Charolais cross); junior res., K. Watret, Silver (Charolais cross).
Hereford (M. Clark, Angus) Senior sup., G. and S. Harvey, Harveybros 1 Crocus Absolut-Rose; senior res., W.P. and K. Watson, Saltire 1 Ruth 3; junior sup., G. and S. Harvey, Harveybros 1 Crocus Aurora; junior res., J.M. Cant, Panmure 1 Alexander.
Highland (W. MacLean, Argyll) Senior sup., K. Neil and A. Polson, Inness of Glenfinnan; senior res., G. Hyslop, Mollaig of Black Glen; junior sup., Leys Castle Farm, Morag 20 of Leys; junior res., J. and C. McKechnie, Kirsty 9 of Gartocharn.
Limousin (M. Irvine, Drummuir) Senior sup., A.W. Jenkinson, Whinfellpark Topnotch; senior res., M. and M. Alford, Foxhillfarm Terminator; junior sup., I. Nimmo, Maraiscote Ubeauty; junior res., A. and J. Gammie, Westpit Ullapool.
Simmental (N. McIlwaine, Co Tyrone) Senior sup., R. Simmers, Annick Lucia's Nicosia; senior res., W.S. Stronach, Islavale Novak; junior sup., W.S. Stronach, Islavale Peaches; junior res., Reece Simmers, Annick Ginger's Paprika.
Any other breed (M. Clark) Senior sup., D. and C. Logan, Rogan Glen (Galloway); junior sup., A. and S. Campbell, Crawlaw Jura (Belted Galloway).