For the past four years, Tim and Hebe Easby have been transforming 40 acres of their North Yorkshire farm holding into a rich and diverse Habitat Bank for Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) and managing the land using sustainable livestock grazing.
For Shropshire farmer Mark Fitton, good silage is a key pillar for farm profitability, but it still has to be produced in a practical way
Can we reimagine the way crops are grown similar to a car assembly line? And in a smart farm, could robots soon be monitoring, planting, picking and packing the millions of lettuces eaten in the UK every year?
For North Wales mixed farmers Neal Morris and his son George, maize is an important forage for their milk production and beef finishing enterprises. It is also an integral part of their wider farming system, playing a key role as a break crop in their arable rotation
With discussions about succession dominating industry conversations at present, the Livestock Auctioneers Association's Chris Dodds is looking to plan for the organisation's future
Maximising methane output is the primary objective when running an anaerobic digester and, for the Channing family, this means growing the most consistent and high-quality maize feedstock across 405 hectares (1,000 acres). Good advice, on-farm analysis and growing the best varieties all play a part in success.
In addition to monitoring the subtle behavioural and activity patterns associated with the various stages of the fertility cycle and health parameters of dairy cows, heifers and calves, the electronic neck collars and eartags used by SenseHub Dairy can also act as ID tags for compatible milking parlours and automatic shedding gates.
With maize the mainstay of his forage ration, dairy farmer Jon Bult takes no chances and opts for the best early maturing variety for his needs. An early maize harvest allows him to maximise his use of overwinter cover crops, delivering soil health benefits and the bonus of a Sustainable Farming Incentive payment.
Following the Autumn budget, far-reaching reforms to agricultural and business property relief are proposed, leaving families and their assets exposed to Inheritance Tax ("IHT"). Howden Rural take a look at the options.
By providing class-leading levels of heat detection accuracy and clear guidance on when individual cows and heifers should be inseminated, the SenseHub® Dairy herd monitoring system from MSD Animal Health enables herd managers to optimise their herd’s fertility performance.