Savill's head of rural research Kelly Hewson-Fisher has offered analysis of what political parties could offer farmers and rural communities ahead of the General Election
Welsh Conservative Janet Finch-Saunders has written a blog for Farmers Guardian on the General Election and what it could mean for Welsh farmers
Farming is a long term business, and farmers need to be able to plan ahead particularly when there is pressure to look at even more environmental outcomes says Virgin Money UK head of agriculture
Liam Davies-Jones, also known as the 'Beef Farmer', said Welsh farmers had been disappointed by a 'lack' of information about the role of farming and agriculture in the General Election so far
With a General Election just around the corner, farmers will be heading to the polls on July 4 to decide which candidate and, ultimately, which party they would like to see lead the UK Government.
Ms Kearns, standing for election as a candidate for Rutland, Stamford, and the South Kesteven and Harborough Villages, told Farmers Guardian readers protecting the rural way of life and standing up for farmers mattered ahead of the General Election
NFU president Tom Bradshaw told Farmers Guardian readers the upcoming General Election has never been more important for the future of farmers and businesses
The British Egg Industry Council said it was 'absolutely essential' that the next UK Government puts the conditions in place to ensure egg producers can operate sustainably for years to come
Mr Irranca-Davies has told Farmers Guardian readers that the Conservative Party has made life 'much harder' for farmers
The party has delivered its General Election manifesto setting out its priorities for farmers and rural communities in Northern Ireland