Defra Secretary Steve Reed said farmers and land managers who had been the ‘pioneers of nature-friendly farming', would now ‘finally get a fair price for their work'
Tenant farmers Bob Felton and Liz Wallis are committed custodians of a Sussex farm with ancient woodland, rolling hills and a 17th-century farmhouse
The organisation has launched a new 10-year strategy to ‘ramp up' its efforts to address the climate and nature crises
AHDB economics and analysis director David Eudall warned the industry was at a 'tipping point of how effective the Budget can be' in balancing food security, supporting farm efficiency, and delivering environmental benefits
Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Climate Change Huw Irranca-Davies confirmed the carbon sequestration evidence panel would be reporting its findings to the ministerial roundtable 'anytime soon'
This is a joint role between the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and Defra
This week's opinion from throughout the world of agriculture: Orkney area manager at the RSPB - Sarah Sankey
The chair of Labour's Climate and Environment Forum Baroness Young said she hoped the ‘multi-functional' land use framework would be operationally ‘sustainable'
This marks The Crown Estate's first acquisition of a rural estate since 2014, and is part of its new rural strategy to create ‘long-term value for the industry'
The farming union is calling for a 'renewed and enhanced multi-annual agricultural budget of £5.6 million'