There was a flying trade for suckled calves at the show and sale of continental cross store cattle at Carlisle where a new centre record for a commercial animal of £16,000 was set
A new female centre record of 4,500gns, a 100% clearance rate and increased averages across all sections were the highlights of the spring show and sale of Galloway cattle at Carlisle
An entry of 496 cattle went under the hammer at the Farmers Guardian-supported Kirkby Classic show and sale of show potential cattle at Kirkby Stephen
A round-up of this week's livestock sales, including Melton Mowbray, Carlisle and Gisburn
A round up of this week's livestock sales, including Leyburn, Carlisle and Cutcombe
Topping the show and sale of Limousin cattle at Carlisle at 25,000gns was the intermediate and reserve overall champion, Bernish Unstoppable, from K. McCroy, Omagh, Co Tyrone
A round-up of this week's livestock sales, including Gisburn, Clitheroe and Lockerbie
The inaugural HW Netherton online Aberdeen-Angus bull sale hosted by Harrison and Hetherington on behalf of HW Angus, Dunblane, topped at £65,000 setting a new breed record
It was the reserve male champion which led the trade at the British Blue Cattle Society show and sale at Carlisle